
Travel Adventures to Australia

  • Our Excellent Australian Adventure – Final

    When the planning process was occurring for Our Excellent Australian Adventure and the subject of spending a few days in the Outback came up I have to confess that I really didn’t know what we were getting into. My first thoughts about “camping” were along…

  • Our Excellent Australian Adventure – Part 4

    By the time that I publish this part of our Australian Adventures, quit a bit of our trip will have occurred and we’ve been pretty much offline through most of it so I’m writing a lot of this section during a 7 hour bus trip…

  • Our Excellent Australian Adventure – Part 2

    We thought that it was never going to end. I’m talking about the 14 hour flight from San Francisco to Sydney. There was one point where I was thinking to myself that the flight must have been half over because it seemed to have been…

  • Our Excellent Australian Adventure – Part 1

    Most of the time when Barb and I travel on our Excellent Adventures the planning starts up to a year in advance, sometimes even longer. It’s not unusual for us to book flights 10 months before the departure date. I was thinking about this that…