Viva Vegas – Part 1

With all of our attention over the last few months focused on the planning details of our African adventure in the fall (now only 5 months away), there hasn’t been much discussion about any travel plans that we might do this year. This wasn’t because we weren’t planning anything but more a result of my lack of initiative to get on the keyboard and publish more updates.

As it turns out, we actually were planning to go on a short trip and it just so happens that we’re heading off to Las Vegas this week.

The travel plans include Peter and Liz and for the first time in recordable history, my Dad will be going with us on a vacation. This part is fairly important as the reason why we are going to Vegas in the first place is to celebrate my father’s birthday. I won’t say what birthday he’s celebrating but suffice to say that both Peter and I agree that we’d both be doing pretty good to get to Dad’s age and still be travelling around on planes.

As far as Vegas goes, I have only been there once on business over two years ago but only really got to spend two evenings out sightseeing. The most significant memory from that trip was how cold it was and we were wearing our coats every time that we were outside. Just about everyone who’s ever gone to Vegas almost always tells about how excruciatingly hot it always is and that walking on the street in the middle of the day will cause certain heat stroke. Of course, those stories are usually of people going to Vegas in the summer time and for me it was December so I guess that probably makes all of the difference.

I’m going to make a somewhat surprising confession and say that I really don’t care much for Las Vegas. I know that I’m far in the minority on this one seeing how most people who have gone to Vegas (and it seems like just about everyone has) almost universally raves about their trips. I’ll get into some of the details of my perspectives on Vegas once I’m down there later on this week.
