The Making of an Excellent Adventure 2005 – Part 3
With less than three months left before our next Excellent Adventure trip to Italy, you’d think that it would be occupying most of our thoughts these days.
Sadly, Barb and I hardly even talk about it.
For those of you who have been reading “the making of” our next Excellent Adventure, you know that for the first time ever, we won’t be traveling by ourselves. This trip will be with my brother Peter and his wife Liz.
Under normal circumstances, Barb and I would start getting revved up about our next travel about two to three weeks before we leave. This is normally the stage when we have to deal with any last minute purchases and with such a short time left before departure time, it becomes impossible to think about anything else.
For all of the routine that Barb and I might be feeling in this pre-trip stage, Liz is quite the opposite. She is showing all of the excitement and anticipation that you would expect for someone going on a great trip like this. It’s actually quite infectious and has renewed our own excitement about the trip even though it’s several months away.
I wonder if it would be possible to convince Liz to write an article here for the blog? I suspect that her perspective would be quite illuminating.
Goto the next episode of Making of an Excellent Adventure 2005