About Me

My name is Baden Smith and I live in Vancouver, Canada. My wife Barb and I share a passion for travel and we've spent the past few decades travelling to many places around the world.

I first started using the phrase Excellent Adventure in 1999 when we travelled to New Zealand and the Cook Islands. It was on this trip where I started emailing our travel journals to friends and family as we travelled around the South Pacific. These emails described our excellent adventures and ever since then I've been writing about our travels.

While we were on our first trip to France in the fall of 2004, I decided I wanted to move Excellent Adventure onto an online blog where our travel stories would be published and retained. This idea resulted in my ExcellentAdventure.ca travel blog as it now exists. While I've updated the look of my blog many times over the years, writing about our travel adventures and sharing my photos has remained the same.

Barb and I in the Napa Valley, California (June 2024)