The Making of an Excellent African Adventure – Part 5
Since my last posting in January on the travel planning process for our Excellent African Adventure, a lot has happened. Most importantly, we decided that the political situation in Kenya wasn’t showing the improvements that we had hoped for and subsequently made the decision to avoid Kenya altogether on our trip. As a result, in the past week, we have made a booking for our safari to take place entirely in Tanzania.
Our African trip is now going to be in three different sections. Our first part is in and around the Cape Town, South Africa area. The safari component of the trip will occur in several locations in northern Tanzania including the Serengeti National Park and the Ngorongoro Crater. Our final leg of our African trip is going to be a more relaxing locale that will allow us to unwind for a few days before flying home. I’ll get into more details about this final spot a little later.
As of today, most of the bookings are complete for our African trip with a few small exceptions. In all likelihood, the final details will all be completed in a few weeks. Only 5 more months to go.