The Making of an Excellent Adventure 2006 – Part 3

Planning completed. Twice.

If you haven’t been a regular reader to my blog, you may not know that for the first time ever, Barb and I are taking separate trips this year. As I had said in my previous post on this topic, Barb was going to be travelling to Tahiti with her mother and me to Germany. At the time of that last post (4 months ago), I had not even started any of the research that goes into our trips – something that I learned all too well when planning our Quebec Adventure in December that there was a significant amount of work involved in these types of vacations. Before that trip, I had pretty much really relied on Barb for 95% or more of the planning process and the real work involved was more or less something that I really didn’t appreciate.

Nonetheless, as of about a few days ago, I had made all of my bookings that needed to get done for my Germany trip. Needless to say, Barb had already finished hers as well.

With both of our trips coming up in the next 1 – 1½ months, the whole thing about Barb and I going on separate trips is beginning to hit home. Quite honestly, it’s going to be quite strange going to Europe by myself and not have Barb with me. From Vancouver, there’s about a 9 hour flight to Frankfurt and doing this by myself will be quite a different type of experience. However, I’ve got to make the best of it and I’m hoping that if nothing else, I’ll be able to improve me German language skills.

Before all of that occurs, I’ll be spending two weeks at home by myself while Barb and Ruth go to Tahiti on their own Excellent Adventure. I guess I’ll have those two weeks on my own to think about my German Adventure which will be right on the heels of Barb’s return.
