One Trip Ends, One Soon Begins
It’s quite the weird feeling.
Under normal circumstances, around now Barb and I would have been going on a vacation and returning at the same time. As regular readers know, Barb recently went on her own Excellent Tahiti Adventure and just returned home yesterday (I’ll be posting the final chapter of her Adventure in a day or so).
As I’ve been saying, this year is anything but normal with both of us going on separate vacations.
What makes everything worse is that we’re in this transition period where Barb is in the process of emptying her suitcase and in a few days my suitcase will come upstairs from the basement and I’ll start doing my own packing as my departure date rapidly approaches.
While on the surface this all sounds like somewhat of a minor issue, it’s actually pretty significant for us as we’ve come to learn quite well over the past 3-4 weeks since Barb started her final trip planning that it’s nowhere near the same for us to be taking separate trips as opposed to travelling together.
What we’ve really discovered is that it’s not so much the planning of the trip that’s usually a lot of the fun but it’s the planning together that makes all the difference.
To be sure, we’ve both agreed that there won’t be any separate Excellent Adventures any time soon and since we’ve already got pretty firm ideas for our vacation plans for 2007 and 2008, everything should be back on track starting with next year.