The Making of an Excellent Eastern Canada Adventure – Part 1
Now that the cat’s out of the bag on our plans to do an African vacation in 2008, I probably shouldn’t waste any more time in posting the first article for next year’s Adventure.
The good news is that we are in the process of planning this Adventure with Peter and Liz who will be joining us again on this trip, hopefully putting to rest any rumours that we haven’t spoken to each other since returning from Italy together last October. 😉
Interestingly, we had originally talked to Peter and Liz about doing an eastern Canada trip sometime in 2001 (several months before we had even brought up the subject of doing an Italy trip together) but we never went forward with any plans on that destination. The idea of doing that trip sat in the back of our minds for almost 5 years and Barb and I presented the idea again about 4 months ago and this time the timing seemed right.
Barb and Liz got the jump on the planning process and by the time that Barb and I had come back from our recent trips both Barb and Liz had already received their packages in the mail from the tourism boards of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward island and Quebec.
The four of us have already met together a few times to start the discussions of which destinations that we want to visit on our trip and I suspect that over the next few months this process will continue to progress.