Our Excellent Costa Rican Adventure – Part 1
Getting Ready
Over the years, our routine of getting ready to travel has evolved. Quite a while ago, I started making a list using some software and that list has ballooned to almost 70 items. I know this sounds extreme but it includes many mundane things like charging up camera batteries and paying the credit card bill. Of course, on that list is to write the first blog post like this one which most people don’t know I usually start writing about a week before travelling.
Costa Rica has been on our travel list for at least 10 years. We made the definitive decision to travel there last year and as is usually the case, we chose to travel in March due to favourable weather conditions.
I’m posting this first installment of our trip to Costa Rica at the Vancouver airport. We were originally supposed to fly out last night but our original flight got changed on us at the last minute, which we decided to cancel, and as a result, we were scrambling to book new flights just a few days ago. Flights, in general, seem much more expensive and we’re not sure if it’s because we’re travelling during spring break, which we have never done before, or other factors. We were booking with points so our out-of-pocket costs weren’t too bad.
We’re going to be arriving in San Jose, Costa Rica later this evening so it’s going to be a long day as we were up at 4 AM this morning to get to our early flight. As always, I’ll be checking in with another update in a few days.

Percival Smith
Have a wonderful and safe time.Dad
Wendy Jivraj
Have a great trip??
Pyrenne Tromans
WOW! Have a wonderful time Baden & Barb.
Pyrenne Tromans
Linden & Rachael Gerhard are currently holidaying in Mexico.