Our Excellent Eastern Canada Pictures

It’s now been a week since we’ve been home from our Excellent Eastern Canada Adventure and as usual, normal life has long since taken over. The return home from this particular vacation was a lot easier because of the relatively short flying time from Montreal and also the similarly small number of hours difference in time zones. Under normal circumstances (at least when we are flying home from Europe) we’d be recovering from a 9-10 hour flight and a 9-hour difference in time.
The first week after coming home from a vacation is often the most difficult for the above reasons but also psychologically it’s a big transition from the day-to-day routine of travelling to that of, well, reality. I’m sure that I’m not the only one who thinks this when they’re back at the office soon after a long vacation thinking about how it would be nice to just be permanently on vacation and just travel from place to place. I’ve got to think that maybe even that might become stale at some point and that it’s the anticipation of travel with all of the planning and looking forward to the next one that Barb and I love as much as the journey itself.

For those of you who are regular readers, you know that I am often talking about our future trips long before we go on them – often up to 2 years in advance. Barb and I have been planning our big Adventure for 2008 to Africa for over a year now and we have even had some discussion about something incredible for 2009 that I don’t dare mention to anyone yet.

As I did for Our Excellent Italian Adventure two years ago, I am in the planning process of creating a DVD for our recent Eastern Canada Adventure and this will likely take me at least 1-2 months before it is completed. After working on the last DVD I learned not to underestimate how much effort it takes to produce what I have in mind. In the meantime, I’ll give you a taste of some pictures from our trip. Between Peter, Barb and I, we took over 1000 pictures on our three cameras and the following are 85 of some of my favourites. The pictures can be seen here.
