Travel Adventures to England
Our Excellent English Irish Adventure – Part 3
The Weather I normally might make a passing comment about the weather when we’re travelling but I have to make a longer comment in this case. The weather has been … unpredictable. Since arriving in London and getting some rain for about an hour or…
Our Excellent English Irish Adventure – Part 2
The Rest of London For any large city the size of London, there are weeks and months that you could spend here and never see everything. We only had four days here and the first day was kind of a write-off given how tired we…
Our Excellent English Irish Adventure – Part 1
The Rigours of Travel People who say “getting there is half the fun” have never travelled by air. Travelling anywhere of sufficient distance is an energy-draining exercise. As my blog title has given away, we’re in London right now, having arrived here yesterday afternoon. I…