
Everything else

  • Our Excellent Australian Adventure – The Video

    I’ve only done this a few times before for some of our previous trips but I think that the video that I made for our recent Australian Excellent Adventure is my best. You can watch the video online here.   Baden

  • Our Excellent Australian Adventure – Part 3

    When we were leaving Sydney to move to the next phase of our trip in the Melbourne area, we all knew that this part of Our Excellent Australian Adventure was going to be quite unique. Why so? Well we were going to be doing something…

  • Weihnachtsmarkt in Vancouver

    Barb and I have only spent one Christmas away from home together which was in December of 2001 when we went to Germany. For me it was my first time in Germany and being there at Christmas time was a unique experience that I will…

  • France 4.0 Pictures

    I have started to upload some pictures from our France 4.0 Adventure to my photo web site. You can see the pictures on my site here. I will add more pictures every few days as time permits.   Baden

  • Barb’s Mystery Adventure

    Tomorrow morning we’re heading off on a mini-weekend adventure that Barb’s quietly put together. We’ve both taken off Monday to make it a long weekend but the interesting thing is that I don’t know where we’re going. You might remember that I did a similar…

  • An Excellent Adventure of a Lifetime

    Many people whom I’ve talked to about our plans to go to Africa later this year naturally assume that this trip will be the high water mark for any of the vacations that we have gone to before – a trip of a lifetime. Not…

  • More travel, Less food

    I’m coming up on the 3rd anniversary of me running and if you’re reading this you’ll have already noticed that everything looked quite different. I’ve had to do some hard thinking about how much time it takes for me to write articles for the…

  • Eastern Canada Storm Blows Over

    Only about 3 weeks have passed since our return from eastern Canada and like most people have been hearing about the big storm that has passed through that part of the country which is the tail end of tropical storm Noel. While we were able…

  • Excellent Adventure Travel Tips version 2

    About two and a half years ago I posted my original Excellent Adventure Travel Tips document. This document was a compilation of (at the time) about 10 years of Excellent Adventures and summed up an ongoing research effort on my part of reading every “how…

  • Learning About Cheese By The Book

    As you might have gathered from my recent post about the local cheese shop Les Amis du Fromage, Barb and I really like our cheese. However, I didn’t say how we managed to find this cheese shop. It came about when I happened to purchase…

  • Where Shopping Meets Architecture

    I think that it’s a given that when anyone is talking about stores to buy food from that the term architecture probably doesn’t come into the conversation. That all has to change. Last weekend Barb and I went to the new location of Bosa Foods…

  • Deep Cove Afternoon

    With all of the bad weather that we have been having lately, you have to be prepared to take advantage of every opportunity whenever it present itself. For example, this morning we noticed how the skies had cleared and the sun was shining, we immediately…

  • Finding a Little Bit of Italy

    Without a doubt, one of our favourite places to go food shopping to find all kinds of specialty food items is an area called Burnaby Heights. Known as The Heights, this area is located along Hastings street in north Burnaby between Boundary and about Willingdon…

  • The Art of Blog Photography

    As your probably thinking, the above photograph lacks a certain, how shall we say, artistic quality. Welcome to my world of the blog photographer. The above picture was one of the very shots that I came home from our dinner at the Ocean Club. In…

  • Excellent Adventure Countdown

    I had previously hinted at the fact that Barb and I were in the planning stages of an upcoming vacation. I’m happy to say that we have booked the flights and hotels for that vacation which we will be going on in just a handful…

  • Another Year of Articles – My Blog’s 2nd Birthday

    It’s hard to believe that I’ve now passed the 2 year mark since I started my blog. Officially on February 1st, it now seems that I have been writing articles for my blog for so long that I can’t remember anymore what it was like…

  • overtakes

    You may remember that in March of this year I had celebrated the fact that my blog site had moved up in the Google page rankings which is one of the mechanisms on the Internet that loosely indicates the popularity of a web site (see…

  • Have an Excellent Christmas

    On behalf of all of the staff here at (ok, it’s just me here), I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a new year filled with lots of good food and travel adventures. Baden

  • Finding a Little Bit of Germany

    Living in Vancouver, we have access to a variety of cultural dining and shopping experiences from many different parts of the world. The majority of the options available to us here are typically Asian and South Asian which isn’t all too surprising given the large…

  • Coal Harbour Weekend

    One of the most difficult articles that I usually have to write is the one right after coming home from vacation. Usually by this time I have posted all of the pictures up on my blog and my life has pretty much returned back to…

  • As Quoted in National Geographic

    While my blog has been quoted from other web sites before, I’ve got to say that I was genuinely surprised to see my series on our Excellent Quebec Adventure quoted on the National Geographic Traveller web site. Quoted in the October online edition of the…

  • One Trip Ends, One Soon Begins

    It’s quite the weird feeling. Under normal circumstances, around now Barb and I would have been going on a vacation and returning at the same time. As regular readers know, Barb recently went on her own Excellent Tahiti Adventure and just returned home yesterday (I’ll…

  • Urban Beach Picnic

    With the last few weekends of August approaching and Barb and I beginning to focus more and more on our upcoming travels in September, we decide to take advantage of the great summer weather and get out somewhere for a relaxing picnic for the day.…

  • The Making of an Excellent Adventure 2006 – Part 3

    Planning completed. Twice. If you haven’t been a regular reader to my blog, you may not know that for the first time ever, Barb and I are taking separate trips this year. As I had said in my previous post on this topic, Barb was…

  • The Abbotsford Circle Farm Tour

    Last year some time our friend Gayle tipped me off onto what is known as the Abbotsford Circle Farm Tour. This tour is comprised of 12 farms or rural locations in and around the Abbotsford area. We had originally planned on doing the Circle Farm…