Travel Adventures to Germany
Barb and Baden’s Excellent Christmas Adventure – Final
Before I forget, I’ve been uploading my Germany and Austria photos to my photo web site. If you want to see them you can click on this link. Once there, you can click on any photo to enlarge on your screen. Departure and Arrival Our…
Barb and Baden’s Excellent Christmas Adventure – Part 4
Good Eating There were a number of great meals that we’ve had since arriving in Germany just over a week ago and for those of you who are regular readers of my blog know that we try and eat local whenever possible. While there were…
Barb and Baden’s Excellent Christmas Adventure – Part 3
Speed There’s almost no subject on my blog that I’ve written about more when we’ve been in Germany than driving. Driving fast. For anyone who has a remote interest in cars and driving, it is well know that Germany is the holy grail of places…
Barb and Baden’s Excellent Christmas Adventure – Part 2
Jet Lag We arrived safely in Frankfurt on Friday morning and after picking up our rental car, met our friends and drove to our first stay in the small town of Bad Kreuznach which was about an hour drive from the airport. It’s a small…
Barb and Baden’s Excellent Christmas Adventure – Part 1
Without a doubt, Christmas is my favourite time of year. The music, decorations, getting together with family and friends, I love it all and I look forward to it all year. In fact, it would have to be something pretty special to draw me away…
Barb and Baden’s Excellent Return to Germany – Final #2
Awake It's just after 2AM and we have been home in Vancouver for about 12 hours. As of about 20 minutes ago, I'm officially awake. Of course while the clock says 2:21 my body is convinced that it's 9 hours further ahead on German time…
Barb and Baden’s Excellent Return to Germany – Final
The Uniqueness of Bear-leen Several weeks ago I had written about how we were originally only planning on coming to Berlin (properly pronounced bear-leen) for the entire Germany trip. Back then it was going to be a much shorter 8-10 day trip and of course,…
Barb and Baden’s Excellent Return to Germany – Part 3
Lakefront Views There’s something about the water that draws us. Having waterfront property automatically is more valuable and most of us look forward to going to a beach to get away from it all. We’ve been here in the lakeside town of Konstanz for a…
Barb and Baden’s Excellent Return to Germany – Part 2
After spending 8 hours on board the ship we were finally glad to arrive in Köln (Cologne). We were pretty much beat and were looking forward to a good night's sleep to get ready for the next day as we were staying in Köln for…
Barb and Baden’s Excellent Return to Germany – Part 1
After travelling 9 time zones it’s more than natural that the first day would be pretty rough. We flew into Frankfurt with a stop in Montreal and I’m now more than convinced that doing a non-stop flight from Vancouver to Frankfurt is less preferable. While…
Barb and Baden’s Excellent Return to Germany – Planning Part 2
The suitcases have made their way up from the basement. Last minutes preparations are being made at the office. A nervous excitement is in the air. This can only mean one thing. An Excellent Adventure is about to start. No matter how many times Barb…
Barb and Baden’s Excellent Return to Germany – Planning Part 1
How Paris turned into Germany It’s funny how quickly plans change. For example, under normal circumstances, around this time of year we would be talking about our plans for a short getaway which we normally would do for our vacation around now. If you had…
Germany 2006 Pictures
I guess that with the posting of my pictures from my recent trip to Germany that this means that things are now officially done. My Germany 2006 pictures can be found here. Baden
Baden’s Excellent German Adventure – Final
Berlin Stopover A few months ago when Frank and I were discussing the agenda for this vacation, we hadn’t discussed stopping in Berlin on our way from Hamburg to Dresden. This subject only came up last week as Frank suggested that since our train to…
Baden’s Excellent German Adventure – Part 4
Flensburg Reunion In my last installment, I was saying that I was on my way to Hamburg where I needed to transfer trains to catch the connecting train to Flensburg in northern Germany where I would be staying the night with Barb’s uncle and aunt…
Baden’s Excellent German Adventure – Part 3
Meeting old Friends About a month ago, I had made arrangements with our friend Anette to meet her for lunch today as it would likely be the only time that I would have to see her on this trip to Germany. For those of you…
Baden’s Excellent German Adventure – Part 2
Touching down in Germany My flight to Frankfurt was non-eventful but I couldn’t help but think that a long 10 hour flight like that would have been made much easier if I had someone to talk to – like Barb. I lucked out and was…
Baden’s Excellent German Adventure – Part 1
Defining Online in New Terms I think that this definitely must be a first for the postings that I write to my blog. The idea of me composing this while I am on the plane is nothing new as I usually do a lot of…
Barb and Baden’s Excellent German Adventure – Final
This will be the final installment of our Excellent German Adventure story. Dec 29: Our story continues with us arriving at the Frankfurt train station. We took a short 2-hour ride from Baden-Baden and were met at the platform by Anette and Frank. We first…
Barb and Baden’s Excellent German Adventure – Part 6
It’s been about 10 days since my last update as there has been some difficulty in getting access to a reliable Internet computer for a while. Anyway, here’s what’s been going on for the past while: Dec 21: Today we left the town of Garmisch…
Barb and Baden’s Excellent German Adventure – Part 5
On Monday we were finally set to go for our scheduled tour of the BMW factory in Munich. Needless to say, this was going to be a highpoint of the whole trip for me. The BMW head office and main factory in Munich was built…
Barb and Baden’s Excellent German Adventure – Part 4
Well we sadly left Barb’s dad at the train station in Berlin and said our goodbyes before heading off to the Bavarian city of Münich. We arrived in Münich on Friday afternoon and prepared ourselves for our 4 day stay here. We first checked out…
Barb and Baden’s Excellent German Adventure – Part 3
Well our time in Berlin came to a close and we tried to make the most of the last few days. One of the sites that we went to was the Berlin Olympic stadium. We only stayed there a short time as it was closed…
Barb and Baden’s Excellent German Adventure – Part 2
Greetings from Berlin! We have been in Berlin for a few days now and things have been going quite well. Barb’s dad Joe (who is staying in Berlin for a few weeks) met us at the train station and we are now staying at the…
Barb and Baden’s Excellent German Adventure – Part 1
It’s been 10 months in the planning stages but the big day has finally arrived. In less that 6 hours Barb and I will be heading off to the airport on our next excellent adventure to Germany. When we went on our last big trip…