Sri Lanka

Travel adventures to Sri Lanka

  • Our Excellent Sri Lankan Adventure – Final

    The Food Anywhere that we’ve travelled to in the world, the food is often one of the main differentiators that give you a real sense of the local culture. While it’s possible to get hamburgers and pizza pretty much anywhere, we always want to try…

  • Our Excellent Sri Lankan Adventure – Part 3

    Elephants It’s been five days since I last posted an update and we’ve done quite a bit since then. I had mentioned in my previous post that we were staying in the town of Dambulla and it was our base for two days while we…

  • Our Excellent Sri Lankan Adventure – Part 2

    It’s Like a Punch in the Gut Being a tropical country, it was expected that we would be dealing with hot temperatures and we all had tried to do our best to mentally prepare for this. Coming from Vancouver, we don’t have a lot of…

  • Our Excellent Sri Lankan Adventure – Part 1

    15 Years of Adventure A few months ago I realized that 2019 celebrates the 15th year that I’ve been writing my travel blog. My first reference to Excellent Adventure was during our trip to New Zealand and the Cook Islands in 1999, several years…