Our Excellent Sri Lankan Adventure – Part 2
It’s Like a Punch in the Gut Being a tropical country, it was expected that we would be dealing with hot temperatures and we all had tried to do our best to mentally prepare for this. Coming from Vancouver, we don’t have a lot of…
Our Excellent Sri Lankan Adventure – Part 1
15 Years of Adventure A few months ago I realized that 2019 celebrates the 15th year that I’ve been writing my ExcellentAdventure.ca travel blog. My first reference to Excellent Adventure was during our trip to New Zealand and the Cook Islands in 1999, several years…
My Excellent Iceland Adventure – Final
Final Posting I was debating if I was going to post the 4th chapter of my Iceland blog before the final but in the end, I decided to wrap everything up in this final installment. I’ve done quite a bit in the past few days,…
My Excellent Iceland Adventure – Part 3
The Long Drive Since I had planned to leave Ólafsvík this morning, I had to prepare myself for the over 400 Km drive to my next destination. I felt that the best option was to get on the road early so I was packed up…
My Excellent Iceland Adventure – Part 2
End of the City I spent most of the day walking around Reykjavik in the sunshine. It being Sunday, most of the stores were closed but by the time they’re all open tomorrow, I’ll be heading out of town and won’t be returning again to…
My Excellent Iceland Adventure – Part 1
Solo Trip About 5 months ago a large map of Iceland went up on the wall of our 2nd bedroom. Over the subsequent months, more and more notes were added to the map as I researched and developed the itinerary for the trip to Iceland…
Our Excellent English Irish Adventure – Final
The Emerald Isle After completing our few days in York we knew that the end of the England part of this trip had arrived and we prepared ourselves for the flight into Ireland. We flew into the city of Shannon and were only there long…
Our Excellent English Irish Adventure – Part 3
The Weather I normally might make a passing comment about the weather when we’re travelling but I have to make a longer comment in this case. The weather has been … unpredictable. Since arriving in London and getting some rain for about an hour or…
Our Excellent English Irish Adventure – Part 2
The Rest of London For any large city the size of London, there are weeks and months that you could spend here and never see everything. We only had four days here and the first day was kind of a write-off given how tired we…
Our Excellent English Irish Adventure – Part 1
The Rigours of Travel People who say “getting there is half the fun” have never travelled by air. Travelling anywhere of sufficient distance is an energy-draining exercise. As my blog title has given away, we’re in London right now, having arrived here yesterday afternoon. I…
Barb and Baden’s Newfoundland Adventure – Final
3rd and Last Destination We really enjoyed our stay in Bonavista and we felt that two days there was just enough to see everything that we wanted to see and get a taste for the small town. But it was time to move on so…
Barb and Baden’s Newfoundland Adventure – Part 2
The Locals Before we even came to Newfoundland we had heard from numerous sources that the locals were extremely friendly and loved to talk to strangers. We weren’t sure how much of this was true and how much was urban legend. Being in Newfoundland for…
Barb and Baden’s Newfoundland Adventure – Part 1
It was 10 years ago when we were last in Halifax. At that time we had landed here to start a multi-week driving trip through four provinces before returning home. That trip still stands out in our memories as some of the most spectacular sights…
Barb and Baden’s India Adventure – Final
Final Destination By Friday morning we once again packed up and the driver that we had hired here in Kochi drove us to our last destination of Munnar, about 130 kilometres away. I felt kind of sad to leave our hotel in Kochi as it…
Barb and Baden’s India Adventure – Part 5
As I was writing the final chapter of our India Adventure, I started to feel that it was getting quite long so I broke it up into two sections, this being the first. The Park It was really cold. It’s what I remember the most.…
Barb and Baden’s India Adventure – Part 4
The Food Let me start out by saying that Barb and I love Indian food. When we were planning the trip we expected that we were going to experience a far greater variety of dishes from various regions of India and so far that has…
Barb and Baden’s India Adventure – Part 3
Catching Up Although I last posted Part 2 of our India Adventure yesterday, so much has happened in the past day that I want to write about. I’m writing most of this section at about 6 AM on Monday morning. I find that this is…
Barb and Baden’s India Adventure – Part 2
A sign at the Delhi airport showing the start of Diwali. Seen when we first arrived in India.Late Night When Barb and I were planning this trip we realized that getting to India from Vancouver was going to be a gruelling couple of days of…
Barb and Baden’s India Adventure – Part 1
New Blog Before I get into our trip to India, I wanted to mention a few things about the new look of my blog. I’ve been running my ExcellentAdventure travel blog coming up on 12 years and I’ve wanted to make some big changes to…
Our Excellent Big Island Adventure – Final
Most likely will be the last out of town excursion that we’ll make on this trip, last night the four of us drove about 112 Km out to the mountain Mauna Kea. Located at the 2800 metre level is the Visitor Information Centre where we…
Our Excellent Big Island Adventure – Part 2
It took almost five hours of driving yesterday but it was worth it. The Kilauea volcano was one of my must-see sites to visit and photograph for years and was probably the main reason for wanting to visit the Big Island here in Hawaii. We…
Our Excellent Big Island Adventure – Part 1
We’re about half way through our trip on the Big Island of Hawaii. Weather has been warm every day in the 30’s and of course very humid. Some days it’s really rained hard in the area around our condo but just 30 minutes drive away…
Barb and Baden’s Excellent Caribbean Adventure
It’s Friday the 15th of January and tomorrow Barb and I will be home from being away for about the last ten days. It’s unusual that I’m writing the first blog update at the end of a trip but in this case I had very…
Barb and Baden’s 2nd Spanish Adventure – Final
The Technology More so than on any other trip that we’ve made, the technology has played a more significant role than on most trips. Just the fact that I write this travel blog requires that I have some technology with me such as my laptop…
Barb and Baden’s 2nd Spanish Adventure – Part 3
A Day at the Beach As our time in our house rental is coming to a close, we had plans to make a day trip to the north coast for a change of scenery. We had so far been focusing on in-land destinations and since…